I know that everyone is probably thinking why is the play room being changed when it seems like only yesterday I created this amazing space that everybody went Gaga over! Why would I change it so soon right? Well hear me out! To be completely honest the first time I styled the Playroom I had no idea what a play room should have. I had some of the most beautiful items in the room and this vision in my head that I wanted the kids to play in certain areas and set it up exactly as I thought would be ideal and I even wrote a blog about it. Today, that still remains my vision except it’s not about what MY vision sees anymore. I have two little humans that have pretty much told me what they want so I had to go with it.
Welcome to the new playroom. It’s kinda the same, but a little different!
After setting up the first Playroom, I left it the way it was for approximately 10 months and I monitored my kids very carefully each day they played in it. Whilst many items were just so beautiful and other kids would happily squeal with excitement to play with them, I found as the time passed my children played less and less with those items and they spent more time role playing and pretend playing which made me think, well, as much as I’d love to keep this as a display play room for when guests come over to play, essentially it was designed for my kids so I had to do what was best for my babies.
I wanted to change things around because as the kids grow, their interests will change and I want them to spend more and more time being creative. This time I didn’t have a lightbulb moment. In fact, I had no idea what I wanted to do to do other than change the bed area because I wanted it to become more girly and pretty much wanted floral sheets hahaha. That was the easy part. I ordered a beautiful canopy and some decals and decor for the walls and then sat and tried to work out what Miss T needed but it was too much of a hard decision so I made my life a lot easier. I sat my daughter down and asked her what she wanted because essentially it is for her. At some point I wished I had never asked lol the amount of requests I would need 10 play rooms to fulfil them but then we finally got to what she really wanted and that was ta cafe, tea parties and a hair salon. Not asking for much kiddo!
I quickly became very excited because I knew that was perfect! She always plays hairdressers and rips my hair out so I figured why not give her a space she can rip the dolls hair out lol and when her sister grows up they can do each other’s hair. Once I shuffled things around instantly the room became so much bigger I moved items that we’re being less and less played with and swapped them with new items and turned the space into a beautiful new and exciting play room that not only the girl’s would play with for years to come, but the items were actually going to be used daily. I created her dressing room and hair salon in the unused walk in robe.
A reading and music nook completed the room and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. The girls love their new space and use it daily. Win! I hope you love it as much as we do.
All Images can be viewed here. New Items Suppliers list below.
Styling and Concept: Belle Abode
Bedding: Goodnight Buttercup
Canopy & Pompoms: Pebblesbaby.store
Bunny Head: Little Lops
Ballerina: From Den With Love
Petals & House decals: Sailah Lane
Mermaid Doll: White cub collective
Floral Bunny doll: Winnie Flora
2x Dolls, Cafe, Ice cream cart, Table & Chairs, Swing: DreamyKidz
Playmat: Little Wiwa
Miniland Dolls: Honeybeetoys
Miniland Knitwear: Roseanddotco
Miniland Dresses and boys outfit: Tailoring For Miss Polly
Miniland Knit romper, Cardi and beanie: Rumis Wardrobe
Dolls wardrobe: 4 Kids n More
Book: KnB Creations
Instruments: Babynoise
Book bag: Happy Joy Decor
Hair salon table& chair, Ice-cream table & Reading shelving: Bunny Tickles
Cafe sign: Creations Prints & Poems
Tea set & Biscuits: Kids Tribe
Timber lollies: Make me Iconic
Feather garland: Darlings Of August
Felt play foo: Chook Shed Designs
Photography: Light Gloss